
Product Focus: Scrubs
Scrubs? Scrubs are usually made up of two elements: something oily and something “scratchy.” The “scratchy” element serves to exfoliate, after which the “oily” element soaks into the newly exfoliated...
Product Focus: Scrubs
Scrubs? Scrubs are usually made up of two elements: something oily and something “scratchy.” The “scratchy” element serves to exfoliate, after which the “oily” element soaks into the newly exfoliated...

Ingredient Focus: Colorants
Let’s face it. Most of us are pretty particular about what we put in our mouth, but what about what we put on our skin? The FDA regulates ingredients in...
Ingredient Focus: Colorants
Let’s face it. Most of us are pretty particular about what we put in our mouth, but what about what we put on our skin? The FDA regulates ingredients in...

Product Focus: Facial Soap
“Can I use this on my face?” I get that question a lot. While I now use just about all of my soaps on my face, I haven’t always done...
Product Focus: Facial Soap
“Can I use this on my face?” I get that question a lot. While I now use just about all of my soaps on my face, I haven’t always done...

Giving Back - Women Helping Women
First posted January 8, 2015 Some of you may follow the blog “We are THAT family.” Here is a quotation from one of the blog posts this past year. “More than a...
Giving Back - Women Helping Women
First posted January 8, 2015 Some of you may follow the blog “We are THAT family.” Here is a quotation from one of the blog posts this past year. “More than a...