Open House, Saturday, November 15
At the November show I will have a table of factory seconds for sale at discounted prices. Most of this will be soap that is “cosmetically challenged” and has not been labelled or wrapped but is still the same wonderful soap as the full price bars. Fall scents but none of the Christmas scents will be available at this show.
Indie Craft Parade Holiday Fair, Saturday, December 6
All of the Christmas scents and any remaining Fall scents will be available at this show. Christmas packaging will be offered to help you get your shopping finished.
Open House, Saturday, December 13
All of the Christmas scents and any remaining Fall scents will be available at this show. Christmas packaging will be offered to help you get your shopping finished. There will be no clearance or discount table; however, all creams and scrubs will be 20% off for one day only.
Open House, Saturday, December 20
Last chance — Any Fall scents still in stock, any discontinued soaps, and any products with damaged packaging will be marked down for quick sale.